An event sponsorship is a great way to position your business in front of other Chamber Members and the community.  Chamber events offer meaningful opportunities to engage with peers and expand your network.



This Speaker Series focuses on sharing learnings about economic reconciliation best practices and amplifying Indigenous voices within the business community

Chair’s Reception & AGM

Chair’s Reception & AGM

The Annual General Meeting includes swearing in of the Chair of the Board, approval of our financial statement and overview of the prior year's activities. Immediately following, the business-focused Chair's Reception is an opportunity to network with the broader...



#ChooseTBayFirst is a community awareness campaign aimed at educating consumers about the ways money spent locally returns to us through a stronger, healthier community.

Golf Classic

Golf Classic

A 9-hole tournament designed to give you a fun day out of the office and a chance for some great networking. Lunch, cocktail reception, dinner, and golf with cart included.

Leaders Luncheon

Leaders Luncheon

An opportunity to discuss and learn about matters of current interest to businesses and to provide networking opportunities. The event features keynote speakers drawn from leaders in business, politics and the community. See below for recordings of recent...

Prosperity Northwest

Prosperity Northwest

Attendees will have the opportunity to network with top industry professionals, visit exhibitor spaces, and learn from a fantastic lineup of speakers addressing relevant issues in today's business landscape.