Representatives of the Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce have been in Fredericton, New Brunswick, since Friday to attend the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.

The event opened on Saturday morning with an address and Q&A session with the Honourable Bill Morneau, Minister of Finance, regarding proposed tax changes. “While we are grateful to the Minister for taking time out of his schedule to speak to our members, we did not receive any new information or assurance about the potentially crippling effects his tax reforms could have on small and medium-sized enterprises,” said the Hon. Perrin Beatty, President and CEO of the Canadian Chamber.

Delegates at the AGM issued a call to government to extend its 75-day consultation period for the tax changes and bring in an independent commission to review the full impact of the changes.  The Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce fully supports this recommendation and we will continue to work with our Chamber colleagues across the country to raise the concerns of small business regarding these proposals.

Learn more about this issue and your Chamber’s activities relating it here.

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