2023 Policy Resolutions presented at the Ontario Chamber of Commerce AGM

As part of the proceedings of the upcoming Ontario Chamber of Commerce AGM, your Chamber submits resolutions for debate and approval by the OCC Membership which address concerns specific to Thunder Bay and Northwestern Ontario.

2023 Policy Resolutions presented at the Ontario Chamber of Commerce AGM

Apr 17, 2023 | News, Provincial Advocacy

As part of the proceedings of the upcoming Ontario Chamber of Commerce AGM, your Chamber submits resolutions for debate and approval by the OCC Membership which address concerns specific to Thunder Bay and Northwestern Ontario.
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*NEW!* Member Discount: HR Covered

Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce members now have access to select complimentary HR expertise for their business from the largest Canadian-owned human resources provider in the country, HR Covered.

*NEW!* Member Discount: MDR Consult

Stop overpaying for your merchant services and reduce your fees by as much as 50% without switching providers. Save money every month at no added cost to you. MDR Consult only charges a small percentage of what you save. How It Works Comprehensive Analysis:Our experts...

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