Each October, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce holds its Annual General Meeting & Convention which brings together Chamber of Commerce executives and community business leaders to discuss the economic and political issues affecting the prosperity of Canadian business and set the policy agenda for the upcoming year. As part of the proceedings, your Chamber submits resolutions for debate and approval by the CCC Membership which address concerns specific to Thunder Bay and Northwestern Ontario. If approved, these resolutions will be adopted by the organization for implementation in the year to come.
2024 OCC Policy Resolution: 2+1 Roads Save Time, Lives and Taxpayers Dollars
Issue The highway network in Ontario plays a vital social and economic role in the transportation of goods and people. Yet in rural and northern regions it consists primarily of two-lane roads that limit passing opportunities and produce high rates of serious and...
2024 OCC Resolution: Addressing Northern and Rural Labour Market Needs through the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program
IssueEmployers across Ontario, but particularly in Northern and Rural areas, are experiencing a shortage of qualified employees and a shrinking labour market. The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program can help to address these challenges by allocating nominee spots to...
Local Delegates Earn Support for Thunder Bay’s Business Concerns at Canadian Chamber AGM
The Canadian Chamber is the largest business network in the country with significant influence on policies, regulations and decisions that are critical to creating a favourable environment for business success and the future of Canada.