Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week is February 13-17

The Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week Act, also known as “Bill 9”, is a piece of legislation passed by the government of Ontario that declares the third week of February each year as “Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week.” We must recognize the critical role that non-profit organizations play in Ontario’s communities and acknowledge the contributions and achievements […]

Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week is February 13-17

Feb 2, 2023 | Community, Empowerment, News

The Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week Act, also known as “Bill 9”, is a piece of legislation passed by the government of Ontario that declares the third week of February each year as “Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week.” We must recognize the critical role that non-profit organizations play in Ontario’s communities and acknowledge the contributions and achievements […]

The Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week Act, also known as “Bill 9”, is a piece of legislation passed by the government of Ontario that declares the third week of February each year as “Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week.” We must recognize the critical role that non-profit organizations play in Ontario’s communities and acknowledge the contributions and achievements of the individuals who volunteer within these organizations.

Learn more about Bill 9, Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week Act

This year, from February 13-17, our non-profit members will raise awareness and educate people about the positive impact that non-profit organizations have on our community. 

Below are some ways in which you can recognize and honour the Non-Profit Sector in our community via your social media channels.

Monday, February 13
Non-Profits: What is your reason for existence? Today’s the day to highlight your organization’s purpose by sharing your mission statement on social media.

Tuesday, February 14
Non-Profits: Today’s the day to show your organization’s supporters and benefactors some love. Thank them on social media.
Businesses: What non-profits do you support? Share some of the ways you support non-profits in our community.

Wednesday, February 15
Non-Profits: How many people do you employ? Today’s the day to highlight how you are a key employer in our community.

Thursday, February 16
Non-Profits: Today’s the day to highlight some little-known or fun facts about your organization on social media.

Friday, February 17
Non-Profits: Today’s the day to highlight how to donate to your organization and how to volunteer with your organization.
Businesses: Today’s the day to highlight what local non-profits your employees volunteer their time with.

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Meet Your 2024 Chamber Board Candidates 

Check your inboxes!  E-ballots will be sent to the designated voting rep for each of our Member organizations on Wednesday, September 11th.  You’ll have until September 30th to make your decision and follow your voting link to cast your ballot. Didn’t receive yours? ...

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