Savings For Your Staff AND Your Business
Chamber Perks Discounts
You and your employees can save money with a quick tap by accessing Chamber Member perks and discounts, both locally and in other cities across Canada! Download the app & learn more here.
Home & Auto Insurance Discounts
Save between 5 and 20% – hundreds of dollars – a year on your personal home and automobile insurance! Discounts vary from broker to broker. More details…
Savings For Your Business
Get free access to over 1,000 up-to-date HR documents and policies.
Stop overpaying for your merchant services and reduce your fees by as much as 50% without switching providers. Save money every month at no added cost to you. MDR Consult only charges a small percentage of what you save.
Exceptional fuel savings and powerful yet easy-to-use fuel management tools.
Enjoy shipping discounts of up to 55%. Some restrictions apply.
The Scotiabank Crowd Deposit Plan helps you earn higher interest and save more.