Local Lockdown Program and Worker Lockdown Benefit Extended

Using regulatory authority provided in Bill C-2, the Government of Canada intends to propose expanding access announced on December 22, 2021 by one month, until March 12, 2022: Local Lockdown Program: Eligibility would continue to include employers subject to capacity-limiting restrictions of 50 per cent or more; and the current-month revenue decline threshold requirement would remain […]

Local Lockdown Program and Worker Lockdown Benefit Extended

Feb 10, 2022 | News

Using regulatory authority provided in Bill C-2, the Government of Canada intends to propose expanding access announced on December 22, 2021 by one month, until March 12, 2022: Local Lockdown Program: Eligibility would continue to include employers subject to capacity-limiting restrictions of 50 per cent or more; and the current-month revenue decline threshold requirement would remain […]

Using regulatory authority provided in Bill C-2, the Government of Canada intends to propose expanding access announced on December 22, 2021 by one month, until March 12, 2022:

Local Lockdown Program: Eligibility would continue to include employers subject to capacity-limiting restrictions of 50 per cent or more; and the current-month revenue decline threshold requirement would remain at 25 per cent. Eligible employers would receive wage and rent subsidies from 25 per cent up to a maximum of 75 per cent, depending on their degree of revenue loss. The 12-month revenue decline test continues to not be required in order to access this support.

Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit: Eligibility would continue to include workers in regions where capacity-limiting restrictions of 50 per cent or more are in place. This benefit provides $300 a week in income support to eligible workers affected by a COVID-19-related public health lockdown order, and who are either unable to work or have lost 50 per cent or more of their income as a result.

Learn more about the above programs

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