Get Familiar with Thunder Bay’s Proposed Official Plan


Get Familiar with Thunder Bay’s Proposed Official Plan

Dec 1, 2017 | Municipal Advocacy


If you haven’t already, be sure to check out the draft of the Official Plan and be in touch with the City with any concerns.

What is The Official Plan?

The City of Thunder Bay Official Plan is the principal guiding document for growth and development within the City over the next twenty years. It describes the kind of community that we wish to evolve into with goals, objectives, and policies that function as a guide for land use planning decisions within the City of Thunder Bay.

Why is it important?

The Official Plan is designed to implement the Provincial Policy Statement, advance Council’s strategic goals, and respond to the various demands of a changing economy and climate. The Official Plan informs the Zoning By-law which permits and restricts how land can be used in the City of Thunder Bay.

The Planning Act requires The Official Plan to be updated every five years. This allows it to adapt and remain relevant based on new demographic information, economic patterns, new technology, and the needs and wants of the community it is designed to serve.

This update is based on three approaches:

  1. Environmental Sustainability
    The Plan seeks to avoid, minimize or mitigate impacts on the natural environment.
  2. Climate Adaptation
    The Plan seeks to reduce vulnerabilities and build the resilience of infrastructure and the natural environment.
  3. Healthy and Safe Communities
    The Plan links the consideration of social and human service needs with the physical aspects of growth and development.

Click here to visit the City of Thunder Bay website to review the draft Plan and learn more about its role in the community.

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