Purpose of the Position
- The Board of Directors assumes financial, legal and theoretical responsibility for all Chamber activities and duties.
- The Board of Directors is the governing, policy-making body of the Chamber. Its members represent the business and professional leadership of the community of Thunder Bay and area. The Board consists of about 13 members, of which four are elected annually for a three year period.
- The Board of Directors should be efficient, follow the rule of law, be inclusive, be consensus oriented, be responsible, be transparent, be accountable for decisions, and be loyal.
Board Responsibilities
Collectively, the Board:
- Determines the Vision, Mission and Strategic Directions of the Chamber.
- Advises and consents on all Chamber Board policies, approves the annual budget, approves membership policy and fees, as well as all other duties listed within the current Thunder Bay Chamber By-Laws.
- Appoints the President and determines his or her terms of employment and remuneration.
- Supports the President and approves his or her performance reviews.
- Monitors the Chamber’s product, services and programs.
Individual Responsibilities
A Board member should:
- Have a particular interest in and a basic understanding of the Chamber’s mission.
- Have the commitment to make decisions based on the best interests of the Chamber and its members collectively.
- Bring to the table his or her knowledge and/or expertise.
- Understand the mission of the Chamber and promote the goals and activities of the Chamber to his or her own constituent groups, other members and the community as a whole.
- Speak his or her own mind and not represent particular members or causes.
- Become familiar with all materials, information, issues and documents relating to the Chamber and its operation, especially those relating to financial matters and member benefits.
- Have a minimum commitment of seven hours per month to prepare for, and attend Board meetings (held the second Tuesday of each month, except July and August, and the first Tuesday of December), committee meetings and to participate in other appropriate Chamber-sponsored activities.
- Adhere to monthly Board meeting attendance policy as stated in the Chamber By-laws.
- Read the pre-circulated material handed out before the Board meetings, and come prepared to discuss the issues and business to be addressed.
- Attend the annual planning retreat for the Board of Directors.
- Attend the Chamber’s annual general meeting and Business Awards banquet.
- Attend activities, programs and workshops sponsored by the Chamber for its members and the general public as frequently as is reasonably possible.
- Participate in committee/taskforce activities.
- Be willing to assume a leadership role with the Chamber as an officer, committee chairperson, or other positions when requested.
- Offer opinions and insights honestly and with an open mind, without reservation and in a constructive and respectful way, with a desire to accomplish the best for the Chamber and its members collectively.
- Provide critical analysis of issues before the Board of Directors.
- Propose and vote on resolutions on matters before the Board of Directors.
- Support Board decisions in public even when he or she may differ personally with the majority decision.
- Represent the Chamber in a positive and supportive manner at all times and in all places
- Support membership recruitment and retention.
- Adhere to conflict of interest and confidentiality policies of the Chamber.
- Understand the operational responsibilities of the President and that staff report to the President.
- Recognize that only the President, or designate, shall be the spokesperson for the Chamber.
A Board member should NOT (unless specifically authorized by the Board):
- Release corporate or confidential information.
- Make inquiries or canvas opinions of staff.
- Discuss Board deliberations except with Board members.
- Intrude on administrative issues that are the responsibility of the President.
- Speak against any resolutions passed by the Board.